遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA




通过艺术, MG冰球突破官网希望激发创造力, 好奇心, 和反射, all of which are crucial to fostering a student's self-expression.


We believe every child who walks into our studios is an artist. We encourage students to take chances, make mistakes, reflect, and grow creatively. Our curriculum is balanced between structured lessons and open-ended "MakerTime."  Because we treasure your student's artwork as much as you do, we create digital portfolios with high quality images of artwork that are archived, 共享, and curated throughout your student's years at MG冰球突破官网.


Our 中学 Art program revolves around the broader picture of what happens during the act of creating. 花时间探索一种媒介, 讨论想法, 思考可能的解决方案, and work through obstacles is vital to not only making art, but also to creating a well-rounded, 自信的人,.

Our holistic approach involves hands-on learning, where students develop problem-solving skills and explore their own creativity with new techniques. 在这学期的课程中, students are exposed to a wide range of two and three-dimensional media, 包括:图纸, 绘画, 版画, 拼贴画, 混合介质, 粘土, 金属雕塑和木雕. Art history is referenced for each project, and trips to art museums are scheduled in the 6th and 8th grades.


The 上学校 Visual Art Department is committed to providing a comprehensive education in the arts within the context of a liberal arts education. Our foundation and advanced curriculum is a well-rounded and versatile approach to the study and application of art. It is designed to provide a creatively stimulating education in a studio environment.
While these courses extend excellent opportunities for the general study of art and lifelong arts advocacy, they are also designed to cultivate serious talents in the visual arts. Many of our students have gone on to prominent careers in commercial, fine, and applied arts. The visual arts program as a whole and the honors program in particular are designed as an opportunity to explore imagination while working to master craft. 另外, students have sustained practice at key skills that educators and corporate leaders have identified as most critical to success in the 21st century—creative and innovative thinking, complex communication and collaboration, problem solving and 批判性思维, and the ability to self-regulate progress and productivity.


Providing a foundation in music, drama, theatrical design, and public speaking to all students.



激发创造力, 好奇心, 和反射, all of which are crucial to fostering a student's self-expression.



Developing skills by working through a collaborative and compassionate atmosphere.



跨越学院的艺术, 一个跨部门的, 共同努力, is a program that shares the work of GA student artists and introduces the work of professional artists throughout the campus and into the daily lives of the community.

"Our art program fosters creativity, 批判性思维, 和自我表达, preparing students for diverse future paths with invaluable skills."

杰西卡·Grisafi Makerspace / Tinkerlab协调员,
跨学院艺术联合总监, PreK-12 STEAM协调员, 较低的学校 Art Department Coordinator and Teacher